How to add fonts to photoshop elements 8
How to add fonts to photoshop elements 8

This will duplicate the pixels in that area. Move the cursor over the part of the image that you want to sample, then hit Alt+click. Select the Clone Stamp tool, then set your options in the options box. If you can't see it displayed, it's located with the Pattern Stamp tool which we'll learn about next. The Clone Stamp tool is located in the toolbox. In Elements, you can use the Clone Stamp tool to duplicate objects, paint over objects, or remove imperfections. Take the time to experiment with them all. Then, you can also see how adjusting our preferences for the filter also changed the image.įilters can be fun to use. You can see how much the filter changed the mood of the image. Interested in learning more? Why not take an online Photoshop Elements Version 8.0 and 9.0 course? You can choose from any of these types of filters: Next to the image in the Filter Gallery, you have a menu that gives you your options. Since we already have the picture in the snapshot above, we'll use it for this example. Perhaps the best way to show you how filters work for your images is to show you by example. It also lets you apply a filter more than once to strengthen its effect. The Filter Gallery shows thumbnails of each filter and what it will look like when applied to your image. In Elements, the filters are found in the Filter Gallery. When you apply a filter, you can easily change the mood or tone of an image. You can also use them to add special and distortion effects. Filters and the Filter Galleryįilters are used to clean or touch up images. The higher the number, the more strength the tool has. The flow determines the strength of the tool. Then select the mode and whether you want to saturate or desaturate. To use the Sponge tool, click on it, then set the options in the options bar.

how to add fonts to photoshop elements 8

The Sponge tool is used to bring out or mute the color of an object or an area of an image by saturating or desaturating it. These allow you to create a selection out of text. If you right click on the Text tool in the tool box, you'll notice that there is also a Horizontal Mask Tool and a Vertical Mask tool. NOTE: If you don't want to move the text, but simply want to select it so that you can delete or edit it, just left click your mouse and drag it over the portion of text that you want to edit. If you don't have a text box and need to move text, simply use the Move tool to drag the text to where you want it in the image. Then, click on the small little circle in the middle of your text box. To move a layer, we select the layer in the Layer Palette, then go to the Move tool in the toolbox. If you have created a text box, to move the text box, you have to move the layer. You can do this by either moving the text box or selecting the text and moving it. Once you input text, you may want to move it to another place in the image. When you're finished, click the background layer it in the Layers Palette. Now, your text is entered as its own layer. You can warp text and create other effects in the options bar too.

how to add fonts to photoshop elements 8

In the options bar, set your options, including font, color, and size.

how to add fonts to photoshop elements 8

(If you don't use a text box, just hit Enter to add a new line.) If you want to create a paragraph of text, simply drag a rectangle across the screen in the place where you want the paragraph to go. You will see a white square with a blinking cursor. To create a line of text in your image, click on the place in the image where you want to insert the text. To use the Vertical Text tool, right click on the Text tool and select Vertical Text Tool. The Horizontal Text Tool is shown by default. To add text, we're going to use the Text tool in the toolbox. When you enter text onto an image, you can choose to add horizontal text - text that goes across the picture - or vertical text that goes from top to bottom.

#How to add fonts to photoshop elements 8 how to

In this article, we're going to spend time learning how to add text to your images, as well as the different options that you have in Elements when you add text. This can be fun if you want to be a little creative or even if you need to add text to explain an image. Using Elements, you can also add text to images.

How to add fonts to photoshop elements 8